This page details basic installation, configuration, and usage of the Swift Resolution Library.
Resolution Swift can be installed with either Cocoa Pods
or Swift Package Manager
dependency managers.
pod 'UnstoppableDomainsResolution', '~> 5.0.0'
.package(url: "", from: "5.0.0")
Updating Resolution Swift
Resolution Swift can be updated with either Cocoa Pods
or Swift Package Manager
dependency managers.
pod update UnstoppableDomainsResolution
.package(url: "", from: "<latest version number>")
Initialize with Unstoppable Domains' Proxy Provider
import UnstoppableDomainsResolution
// obtain a key by following this document
guard let resolution = try? Resolution(apiKey: "<api_key>") else {
print ("Init of Resolution instance failed...")
Initialize with Custom Ethereum Configuration
The Resolution libraries require a connection to the Ethereum network to resolve domains (.crypto
, .nft
, etc.). To use these libraries, you must specify an Ethereum node service provider. Once you have created an instance of the library, you can begin resolving domains. Examples of how to initialize the library with different providers are provided below.
Provider URL
Each of the Resolution Libraries supports using an Ethereum provider URL for configuration. You can obtain this URL from a service like Alchemy, which offers a free API key to users who create an account. If you wish to use an alternative Ethereum provider, see the Nodes as a Service guide for more information.
import UnstoppableDomainsResolution
// obtain a key from
let resolution = try Resolution(configs: Configurations(
uns: UnsLocations = UnsLocations(
layer1: NamingServiceConfig(
providerUrl: "<infura_api_key>",
network: "mainnet"),
layer2: NamingServiceConfig(
providerUrl: "<infura_api_key>",
network: "polygon-mainnet"),
znsLayer: NamingServiceConfig(
providerUrl: "",
network: "mainnet")
Make sure to allow and or simply https://*
(if using the default configuration) as a connect-src in your Content Security Policy to allow these requests through.
Error Handling
Unstoppable Domains follows the error handling best practices specific to each library's language. Each error data structure contains an error code, a human-readable message, and extra details that may help you debug the error.
code: string; // one of our custom error codes
message?: string; // human-readable error summary
providerMessage?: string; // internal error message from the provider (alchemy, infura, etc.)
errorMessage?: string; // internal error message / nested error
method?: ResolutionMethod; // resolution method (UNS L1, UNS L2, CNS, ZNS, UD API)
methodName?: string; // resolution method that was used (e.g. Resolution.addr, Resolution.allRecords)
domain?: string; // domain that caused the error
currencyTicker?: string; // currency ticker that caused the error
recordName?: string; // record that caused the error
namingService?: string; // naming service (UNSL1, UNSL2, ZNS, ENS, CNS, etc.)
location?: UnsLocation; // domain location (L1, L2)
tokenUri?: string; // domain metadata link
The code snippet below shows how to handle the common error cases you may encounter during integration, including:
- Resolving an unregistered domain
- Resolving an undefined record of a domain
- Resolving a misconfigured domain
- Resolving a domain with an unsupported domain ending
We handle the errors thrown by the resolution library by switching on the error code
and displaying custom messages to the user. You can then perform other actions to handle the error or show the error message
value from the error data structure to the user.
import UnstoppableDomainsResolution
// obtain a key by following this document
guard let resolution = try? Resolution(apiKey: "<api_key>") else {
print ("Init of Resolution instance failed...")
resolution.addr(domain: "domain-with-error.crypto", ticker: "ETH") { result in
switch result {
case .success(let returnValue):
// Success flow
case .failure(let error):
switch error {
case ResolutionError.unregisteredDomain:
// Domain is not registered
case ResolutionError.recordNotFound:
// Crypto record is not found (or empty)
case ResolutionError.unspecifiedResolver:
// Domain is not configured (empty resolver)
case ResolutionError.unsupportedDomain:
// Domain is not supported
Error Codes
Error Code | Description |
badRequestOrResponse | Thrown by the RPC provider when the request or request is invalid. |
contractNotInitialized | Thrown when the proxy reader of the current resolution instance has not been initialized. |
executionReverted | Thrown by the json RPC when the smart contract call is reverted. |
inconsistentDomainArray | Thrown when you attempt to retrieve the locations of multiple domains with different naming services. The location of a domain contains the blockchain , networkId , and valuable metadata like owner , resolver , registry addresses , and provider URL of that domain. |
invalidDomainName | Thrown when you resolve an invalid domain address. |
methodNotSupported | Thrown when you use a method of the current resolution instance not supported by the naming service you're resolving from. For example, using the batchOwners() , getTokenUri() , locations() , and getDomainName() methods for the Zilliqa Name Service (ZNS). |
proxyReaderNonInitialized | Thrown when the registry address of the current resolution instance has not been initialized. |
recordNotFound | Thrown when you resolve an undefined record of a domain. For example, resolving the Twitter handle of a domain that doesn't have one. |
recordNotSupported | Thrown when you resolve an unsupported domain record. |
registryAddressIsNotProvided | Thrown when using an incorrect contract address with the current resolution instance. |
reverseResolutionNotSpecified | Thrown when reverse resolution is not configured for an address. |
tooManyResponses | Thrown when you have exceeded the rate limit of the RPC provider configured. |
unregisteredDomain | Thrown when you resolve a domain not owned by any address. |
unknownError | Thrown when an unknown error occurs while resolving a domain with the current resolution instance. |
unspecifiedResolver | Thrown when the domain resolver contract address is not found. For example, the domain doesn't have a specified resolver. |
unsupportedDomain | Thrown when you resolve a domain with an ending not supported by the current resolution instance. |
unsupportedNetwork | Thrown when you resolve a domain with an unsupported blockchain network (e.g. testnets). |
unsupportedServiceName | Thrown when using an unsupported naming service with the current resolution instance. |
Use Case: Retrieve a Domain Record
Retrieve any record of a domain. Applications sometimes set custom records for a domain to use within their application. The code snippet below show how to do this in Swift.
// lookup specific records
resolution.record(domain: "ryan.crypto", record: "custom.record.value") { result in
switch result {
case .success(let returnValue):
// example custom record value
let recordValue = returnValue
case .failure(let error):
print("Expected record value, but got \(error)")
Use Case: Resolve Addresses Existing on Multiple Blockchains
The resolution library provides a method for resolving the addresses of tickers for different blockchains (e.g. USDT
exists on EOS
, ERC20
, and TRON
blockchains). The code snippet below show how to do this in Swift.
// resolve multichain address
resolution.multiChainAddress(domain: "udtestdev-usdt.crypto", ticker: "USDT", chain: "ERC20") { (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let returnValue):
receiverUSDTAddress = returnValue;
// receiverUSDTAddress consists address for receiving USDT on Ethereum (ERC20 version)
// use this address as recipient of the payment
case .failure(let error):
print("Expected USDT-ETC20 Address, but got \(error)")